BioPreparedness BioBank

MCID BioPreparedness BioBank: NORMA label

The MCID BioPreparedness BioBank has been awarded a NORMA label by the Swiss BioBanking platform in recognition not only of its compliance with legal and ethical standards but also the quality and standardization of operational processes.

The BioPreparedness Biobank enables the storage and the provision of highly pathogenic biologic agents -, following a "One Health" approach. The biobank is populated by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites collected from routine diagnostics, available from reference laboratories and received in the framework of collaborative research. Furthermore, a yeast-based synthetic genomics pipeline enables the safe and contained production of viral genomes and their mutated derivatives which are then stored on a long-term basis within the BioPreparedness Biobank facilities.

Collaborations with Spiez Laboratory and the Institute of Virology and Immunology allow curation of pathogens of the highest risk category and leads to coordinated efforts to standardize and centralize pathogen sample management through the BioPreparedness Biobank.

Biobank services are available to all researchers (with preferential rates for MCID members):

  • Access to a centralized and curated inventory of high consequence pathogens
  • Production of synthetic viral genomes in yeast
  • Deposit, freezing and long-term storage of pathogens in BSL3 facility or BSL4 (Spiez Laboratory) including regulatory aspects (biosafety, MTA)
  • Identification of pathogens through sequencing or MALDI-TOF
  • Transport or shipment of pathogens including packaging according to biosafety requirements and regulatory aspects (MTA, Nagoya protocol)

The BioPreparedness Biobank guarantees the quality, safety and traceability of the managed pathogens through dedicated qualified personnel, standardized processes, efficient Biobank Information Management System (BIMS) and automated storage system (-80°C robotic freezer in BSL-3 laboratory).

The participation and recognition in Swiss and international networks allow for the promotion of the biobank inventory and MCID research altogether. The BioPreparedness Biobank has been awarded with the VITA label from the Swiss Biobanking Platform, demonstrating its compliance ethical and legal requirements.

Supporting the reception, management, storage and shipment of pathogens in a controlled and standardized manner, the BioPreparedness biobank provides a reliable and efficient basis for advancing MCID research on high-consequence pathogens.

For enquiries, please contact Dr. Aline Dousse, BioBank Manager (, +41 316 64 30 39)

Core Activity Leads

Core Activity Manager