MCID Monkeypox Event

MCID monkeypox event

Wednesday 29th June 2022, 18.00-19.00

With monkeypox cases continue to rise in Switzerland and worldwide, the MCID held a monkeypox information event on Wednesday 29th June via Twitter Spaces. Experts each gave a 3-5 minute insight into monkeypox and the current status of this spreading infection. This was followed by a Q&A session with questions from listeners. See below to listen to a recording of the event.

Host: MCID Bern (Prof. Dr. Carmen Faso, Co-Chair MCID; Dr. Rebecca Limenitakis, Managing Director MCID)

Moderator: PD. Dr. Christian Althaus (ISPM, University of Bern, MCID Epidemiology Cluster)


Dr. Emma Hodcroft

Genomic epidemiologist, ISPM, University of Bern (MCID Epidemiology Cluster)

Origin and genomics of monkeypox

Dr. Kathrin Summermatter

Head of Biosafety Centre, IFIK, University of Bern (MCID Microbiology Cluster)

Monkeypox diagnostics

Prof. Asisa Volz

Virologist at University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany

Immunity and vaccination

Prof. Dr. med. Nicola Low

Epidemiologist, ISPM, University of Bern (MCID Epidemiology Cluster)

Transmission of monkeypox and the role of sexual networks

Mr. Florian Vock

Team manager key populations, gays, and other MSM at AIDS Hilfe Schweiz/Swiss AIDS Federation

Information campaign and prevention